Retirement planning is a big topic that covers the key decisions you need to make when looking ahead to the lifestyle that you hope to have, after you finish working.
Sadly, the majority of 45 to 64-year-old Australians are living in denial when it comes to this issue. With most retirement planning information being full of references to aged care, going grey, becoming dependent, and dying, it’s not surprising that many people see retirement as something older people need to worry about. Clichéd photographs of grey haired couples drinking lattes or walking hand-in-hand on the beach suggest singles don’t matter, and happily retired couples just play.
How does this affect you? If you’re feeling fit, healthy and happy to work for a few more years at least – can’t your retirement planning wait? The short answer is NO.
Don’t allow these outdated notions of retirement planning to turn you off. There is now sufficient research to prove that those with a clear sense of direction for their later years, and intentions of active social engagement, intergenerational connections, and life-long learning, will be clearly ahead.
But these positives don’t just fall into your lap the day after you leave full-time work – they need to be created. The good news is that it’s not all hard work. When retirement planning becomes life planning it is a challenging, fun and fulfilling task.
Positive planning is based on the recognition that leaving full-time employment is a great opportunity to enter a new, and very rewarding, life stage. Until now you may have been working, paid or unpaid, to fulfil obligations to other people, or to pay off a mortgage, raise and educate children, put food on the table. Now you are entering a time when it will be your turn to be who or what you’ve always wanted to be, devoting more time and energy to fulfilling life goals you’ve always longed to achieve, but have been simply too busy to contemplate.
Income streams, superannuation, and tax are all important. But until you know what you plan to do when you leave work, how can you usefully anticipate what type of income you will require?
There is no point in putting the cart before the horse. Until you know what you plan to do when you leave work, how can you usefully anticipate what type of income you will require? And until you assess how you really want to spend your time, you won’t have a clear idea of a typical week, out of the workforce, and the associated living expenses.